This is a continuation of 4 previous posts about the making of the Modernized New York Beauty quilt that I want to enter into QuiltCon. I sewed the quadrant pieces together and separately, sewed the background pieces together. Originally, the background pieces were planned to also be in quadrants, but I wanted the ombre fabric to match from the 4 sides, so I taped the pieces together, then cut them apart at the corner diagonals. This meant that I couldn't sew the background quadrants to the circle quadrants. Each had to be pieced and then sewn together as one big seam. Oh boy, that might sound like a lot of math to some of you. But, if you're like me, and you LOVE math, this will get your brain into high gear and it will give you a lot of pleasure to figure out all of the geometry.
Well, back to my conundrum with the colors of the circles. I made a lot of circles and tried a few combinations before I landed on continuing with the same colors as the points of the inner arcs and making them in graduated sizes. Here is where I ended up.
When I finally had that decided, I went ahead and sewed the arcs all together. For some strange reason, I sewed all of the center pieces together, then had to piece the arc quadrants to the circle. What?!%? Talk about making it hard on myself!
I know it doesn't look like much changed, but the piecing took a long time. It looks wonky because I intended it to be wonky with my hand drawn pattern.
I hope you like it so far.
This is looking awesome! You are doing a great job.