I have a little black hole in my quilting room. It's very similar to the little black hole of the washer and dryer that eats my socks, the one in the rest of my house that lunches on my car keys, and the one that moves things from drawer and drawer. (Sometimes, it even gobbles them up for good.)
I had cut out all of the 3-1/2" squares for Emily's quilt and placed them on my design board. Here's a picture to prove that they once all existed.
So, the other day I was vacuuming the room and my vacuum cleaner blew off a ton of the white squares. When I picked them up and put them back in place, I was suddenly missing a bunch of them. Were they in the vacuum cleaner? No. How about under my sewing machine table? No. Under the bookcase? No. Behind other pieces on the wall? No. Aagh! The little black hole was at work.
I resigned myself to having to cut more, but opted to wait until it was absolutely necessary. Hoping, of course, that they would magically appear.
Well, THEY DID! As I was sewing together the blocks, one of the blocks had the missing squares all stacked and pinned in place. I must have been thinking fast as they were flying off the wall and grabbed them up before the vacuum had a chance to eat them. At least I can tell myself that. Made me feel very smart indeed.
I hope you solve the unending mystery of the black holes in your house too. And that you experience days when you feel extra smart.