Monday, August 22, 2022

Marbling Fabric

I took a class this summer on marbling fabric.  We made quite a bit of fabric, and I'm going to show you what I did with some of the pieces that matched.

There were 3 fabrics made with turquoise, black, white and red.  The piece that had circles on it reminded me so much of Northwest Native Art that I decided to use those pieces first.  

I didn't want to just willy-nilly cut into the fabric, so I made copies of it on our home copy machine.  I cut the paper apart and started playing on my design board.  Here are some of the ideas and  progress photo for the art piece.

When I decided that it was what I wanted to make, I pulled out fabrics to give me a color progression and started cutting strips and piecing them together.  

Here is another progress photo, with some strips in place.

So far so good.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Striped fabric - 2 more charity quilts

As I was finishing up the charity quilts made with striped fabric, a member of my small quilt group came downstairs with more striped fabric that I could use.  I know that all of us experienced quilters have a huge stash of fabric.  At our ages (somewhere north of retirement age!), we know that we will never be able to use up all the material we have.   So, I took it and made 2 more striped quilts for our charity group.

For these two, I cut the squares on-grain, instead of on the bias, so that I could use as much of the fabric as possible.  Both of these had two striped fabrics in them, and I set them off with pinwheels again, which I just think it so adorable.  Anyway, here they are:

Thank you to Audrey Prothero!

I hope you like them.

Monday, August 1, 2022

More fabric dyeing

I can't remember if its dying or dyeing, with the 'e'.  At any rate, I've done more fabric dyeing and here are the results:

I had left over diluted dye from my previous combinations of fuchsia red, pagoda red, deep orange, deep yellow, amethyst, eggplant, and lemon yellow.  They were all diluted to 1/16th of the original strength in previous dye lots and saved in the refrigerator for about a month.  There were 4 bottles of the mixed colors that looked like 2 very similar shades of orange, a light dusty pink, and a light shade of purple.  This time, I scrunched the pre-treated and wet fabric into shoe box size containers and squirted the dyes on top of the fabric in several combinations.  I pushed the fabric into the liquid and let it sit overnight without stirring the fabric.  There are now 4 different fabrics to have fun with.

The other two pieces were ice dyed.  Each one of those pieces was pre-soaked and dried.  The dry fabric was scrunched into baskets, then covered thinly with ice cubes from our freezer.  I squirted the diluted red dye onto one and then added dye powder in two colors:  bronze and pagoda red.  I let that sit overnight.

In the second basket, I squirted the dilute purple on top of the ice, then added dye powder in two colors:  #150 gray, and midnight blue.

I just love how they all turned out so different and can't wait to use them in a quilt.