I painted a yard of fabric a while ago and hadn't been able to cut into it or find a use for it as a background. The white squiggly lines were made with a glue resist, painted over, then washed out.
Finally, I decided that I would use it for an improv quilt. A few months ago, one of my friends taught us how to take advantage of transparency in a quilt. We made 18" blocks with free hand curved lines. I used turquoise shades and a white and black print.
Some of the others in the group made 4 blocks and sewed them together. They looked fabulous! But I didn't want to do the same thing. So, I cut it each block into 6 pieces and inserted 5 strips of my hand painted fabric. Here is the result:
I felt like I was onto something, so I made a couple more in shades of turquoise and blue and had enough of the painted fabric to do a couple more. I put them up on my design wall and played around with the layout. In order to make them all fit, I used some coping strips, cut edges off of some and placed them in other places, and finally, sort of straightened the edges.
I quilted it with several colors of blue and green thread in 1/4" lines that curved to match the shapes in the quilt. There were A LOT of stops and starts, which I handled with tiny starting and ending stitches, as well as some that were tied off. And here it is after the quilting. Its 35" to 37" w x 52" to 53" h. (The dimensions reflect a slight difference as the quilt is not totally square). I've named it "Improv transparency".