Monday, August 6, 2018

Arizona wall quilt

My sister retired from a job in Alaska and didn't want to spend one more winter freezing.  She and her husband actually both retired and headed to Arizona, where they found a nice home.  She sent me a few pictures of bare walls and asked for a quilt (or two) to help decorate her home.

Here are the bare walls and color preferences.

I used to make Native American themed quilts and thought that perhaps I could do that.  But I then started thinking about other desert motifs and how they are more prevalent in Arizona vacation homes now.  I showed my sister some of my ideas and she sent me more pictures.  We settled on a sunset scene.

The background was made using freehand cutting and sewing with some strips inserted.  My sister likes the Kokopelli motif, so I sketched this one onto steam a seam light and fused the black fabric to the background.  It was quilted and faced.

I hope you like it.