Monday, January 27, 2020

Making leggings

I am determined to get my leggings pattern accurate!  I've made two pairs off my pattern, and they are still too loose in the legs.  I'm guessing that by the time I get the pattern just right, leggings will NOT be in style any longer.  Oh well, us old ladies usually lag the pop culture dress styles.  I never did like the "cold shoulder" look, did you?  And definitely not the cut up jeans, which cost close to $200 at Nordies.  What??!!!

I downloaded a free pattern from Mood Fabrics, which has a lot of extra pieces and am comparing that pattern to the one I've already used.  I think it just might be easier to go and peg the first couple of pairs, then measure and draw my own pattern!  I'm not that hard to fit, usually.  I do have long legs, so I know that I need to add length to every pattern.  And I have that old lady flat behind, so I have to take out some length at the waistband center back.  Other than that, the pattern should be good to go.

Later - I decided it was just better to peg the leggings that I had already made, and skip the idea of an ideal leggings pattern for now.  I had to take out about 2" from each leg, and remove some depth of the crotch.  It's the negative ease on stretch knits that has me slightly baffled,  Make them one size smaller?  Two sizes smaller?  Well, in the end, it was just easier to measure a pair that fit and use that measurement to alter the pattern.  Who cares what size they are anyway.  As long as they fit.

1 comment:

  1. At least you can make them! Buying women's clothes to fit, especially over the Internet, is a joke! LOL
