Monday, September 14, 2020

Pickle Dish and Mariners Compass in one quilt

My small quilt group, which is only 4 people now who are willing to meet face to face, decided to challenge ourselves to make the same quilt with our own colors and then compare to see how we interpreted the design.  The quilt that one of them picked is a combination of a mariner's compass and a pickle dish pattern and was originally a 118" x 118" quilt.  Cowabunga!  None of us wanted one that huge.  Me especially, since I've said quite a few times in the last few years that I didn't want to make big quilts anymore.  I guess my ability to stick with my decisions is overcome by the excitement of a challenge.  Here's a poor picture of the quilt that they wanted to make.  It was published by Fons and Porter; the quilt was by Heather Kimpel Costen.

I decided that to make it smaller but still be large enough for a bed.  In order to compare with my friends, it just needed to have an entire row removed on the top and bottom.  This would make it about 87" x 87".  I also decided that I wanted to add a solid border that would alleviate the problem of all the tiny points and seams at the edges of the quilt.

Did I say that I used to teach the pickle dish pattern years ago in Portland, Oregon?  Yes, and the very first pickle dish that I made was hand pieced and hand quilted and was based on an antique quilt that was made by a friend's grandmother in Georgia.  I've made 4 quilts with this pattern, and probably have worked on a few more during classes.  I also have made a mariner's compass quilt that was hand pieced and hand quilted during a Jinny Beyer class.  Needless to say, this one will NOT be hand pieced or hand quilted.  I may even alter the pattern to get the points slightly away from the edges.

Keeping reading to see what I did with this pattern.

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