Monday, October 28, 2024

Garden Lady #9 - Part One

I got the inspiration for this garden lady from a photo on Pinterest.  All of my other garden ladies were facing sideways or to the front, and I thought that a view from the back might be fun.  Here is the inspiration photo, converted to black and white.

My favorite print shop in Portland has changed names, but luckily is still in business.  They are now called Crisp Imaging, and it looks like they are now part of a chain of imaging/blueprint service providers.  I think I posted that previously, but I wanted to remind myself and my local readers of this excellent source for enlarging drawings.

For this piece, I decided to collage the background directly onto the batting.  I pinned up the batting, then outlined the basic design lines.  

Then, I pulled out a pile of green fabrics and yarn to get me started.  

I sprayed the batting with a temporary spray adhesive, and started cutting and placing blobs of fabric. I just cut the pieces free hand and place them to get the feel of mixed foliage.  Here are some of the darker blobs place in the upper right hand corner.  

Here is what the background looked like after the first day of blob collaging.  Wait, did I just make up a word for a technique?  

And here is the background all ready to add a layer of organza.

I hope you like the progress so far!

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